july, 2024

16jul20:00Ryedale Festival with Fleur Barron20:00 St Peter's Church, Norton


Event Details

Fleur Barron mezzo-soprano
Julius Drake piano
Hibiki Ichikawa shamisen
Suleiman Suleiman actor/dancer

A meditation on sound and silence, solitude and communion, love and loss, explored through the intertwined narratives of Yasuna, one of the great Kabuki plays dating back to 1818, and Schubert’s iconic Winterreise, conceived a decade later in 1827. In the world premiere of Spring Snow, grief splinters the psyches of both Schubert’s Wanderer and Yasuna, compelling a journey into the depths of Self. This is where our performance begins: two individual paths converging and inspiring each other in beautiful ways, as a famous song cycle is interwoven with original shamisen music and traditional Japanese dance-theatre.


(Tuesday) 20:00


St Peter's Church, Norton