april, 2018

25apr20:00Gerald Finley and Julius Drake - Library of Congress20:00 Coolidge Auditorium


Event Details

Gerald Finley (Bass-Baritone)


Beethoven Goethe Lieder 10’

Neue Liebe, neues Leben op. 75 no. 2

Wonne der Wehmut op. 83 no. 1

Mit einem gemalten Band op. op. 83 no. 3

Aus Goethe’s Faust op. 75 no. 3


Schubert Goethe Lieder  26’


Geistes Gruss

An den Mond D259

Rastlose Liebe

An Schwager Kronos

Schäfers Klagelied

Wanderers Nachtlied  II D 768

Erlkönig op. 1




Tchaikovsky Romances                                                                

Don Juan op. 38/1

At the ball op. 38/3

None, but the lonely heart op. 6/6

Over burning ashes op. 25/2


Rachmaninoff Romances                                                            

O stay, my love op. 4/1

Silent night op. 4/3

Fate op. 21/1

Death of Linnet op. 21/8

Christ is risen op. 26/6

Spring flood op. 14/11


Selections from favourite Folksongs     

Resphigi My heart’s in the highlands

Liszt Go not happy day

Ravel Ye banks and braes

Schubert Der Lindenbaum

Shostakovitch Annie Laurie

Tosti I cannot tell


(Wednesday) 20:00


Coolidge Auditorium

101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA